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"When Indy’s Ohana came together to send Charlie on her dream trip there weren’t even words that could express the feelings that coursed through my body, knowing that thousands of people came together to make my daughter’s dream happen. Throughout our amazing week and watching my daughter in pure bliss, I felt overwhelmed in the best way. I couldn’t stop the tears from flowing, knowing Charlie could just be a kid and that it was all because of Indy and the loving community that was built around her. We got to experience pure joy together as a family - No hospital, no worry, no fear. Just fun, love, and happiness. That feeling and that trip will live within me for the rest of my life. It lifted all of our spirits up in a time we truly needed it. To have Indy's Ohana rally around us is something I will always hold in my heart. These moments of light are what get us through."